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E-Paper Displays

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  • 3  min to read
E-Paper Displays

About the city. Solar power technology was combined with E-paper screens to provide real-time information about public transport in Coimbra.


The aim of the project is to approximate people to public transport, reduce usage of fossils, improve life quality of the citizens and improve traffic management.

Implementation period. The project started in March 2013.


  • One of the factors contributing to a lower demand for public transport is the uncertainty about the public transport arrival time.
  • Real-time information panels are something common e.g., for metro stations and trains but less common for bus stops in small-medium-sized cities.


Coimbra’s municipal transport services have introduced an innovation in collaboration with Papercast: a low-carbon solution for providing passengers with real-time information at some of the city’s bus stops. The panels consist of solar-powered e-paper technology that shows real-time public transport schedules as well as their respective lines. The buses were equipped with GPS sensors that help communicate with the platform in real-time.

An open data platform was also implemented. It includes real-time information that allows it to be used by other entities, as well as allowing applications to be submitted, which are developed on the initiative of the SMTUC ” Serviços Municipalizados de Transportes Urbanos de Coimbra”.



Municipal transport services of Coimbra, Papercast


Until now there were no complains about the system, and the population embraced it very well.

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