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CityBench Program

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  • 3  min to read
CityBench Program

About the city. 13% of the NYC population are seniors, those who need places to rest. Moreover, the city consists of dozens of districts, between which people often move on foot.


The CityBench Program was launched to increase the amount of public seating on New York City Streets.

Implementation period. Practice started in 2007 and still outgoing.


The most densely populated areas of New York City are Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. This is where, ten years ago, there were no pedestrian recreation areas at all.


The 2100+ benches were being installed around the City, particularly at bus stops, retail corridors, near transit facilities, and areas with high concentrations of seniors and other pedestrian groups. The benches are for the general public and are not restricted to tenants of any particular building or patrons of any specific private business.

What places to install benches NYC DOT chooses?

DOT invites the public to suggest new locations on the DOT Right-of-Way as they continue to expand the network.


Problem. Who is responsible for cleanliness?

Solution. Property owners are responsible for keeping the sidewalks around the benches cleans and clear of snow as required by law.


The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT)


The City expand the initiative to include all 51 New York City neighbourhoods. At the moment, more than two thousand benches have been installed as part of the project.

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