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Istanbul Compost Machines

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  • 3  min to read
Istanbul Compost Machines


The ultimate goal is to place the compost machines in all public buildings throughout Istanbul and ensure the maximum level of processing of organic waste.

Implementation period. The first recycling machine appeared in 2018. The large-scale “Zero Waste” project began in 2017.


Compost rich in organic content keeps erosion control, besides it increases ventilation and water-holding capability of the soil. Moreover, it reduces fertilizer needs by increasing seed germination and product value.


The first compost machine was implemented within “Zero Waste” project in Kasımpaşa. 1,800 kg fertilizer has been produced from May to September 2018. The peculiarity of this machine is that it processes the food waste in its source and produces compost. After being converted into fertilizer, the waste gives life to the plants that decorate Istanbul’s streets. Once the 45-day process is complete, the obtained fertilizer is delivered to the Directorate of Parks and Gardens.

After opening the first machine, the following one appeared at Bakırköy Annex Service Building.


Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and supported by the first lady Emine Erdoğan.


It is planned that all municipalities of the country will switch to a similar waste recycling system by 2022.

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