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Free Mobility

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Free Mobility

About the city. Landlocked Luxembourg is one of the richest countries in Europe, with the highest per capita GDP in the European Union. It is the first country in the world to offer nationwide free public transport.


The aim of the project is to encourage Luxembourg’s inhabitants to use public transportation and curb the continued traffic problems the country is experiencing.

Implementation period. The project was implemented in March 2020.


  • In 2016, Luxembourg had 662 cars per 1,000 people, and driving is the” main means of transportation ” for passengers, according to a 2017 report by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure. Luxembourg drivers spent an average of 33 hours in traffic that year. It fared worse than the European cities of Copenhagen and Helsinki, which have populations comparable to all of Luxembourg, but drivers in both cities spent an average of just 24 hours in traffic.

  • Luxembourg’s public transport system covers the entire country and costs $ 562 million (508 million euros) a year. According to the Ministry, it generates about $ 46 million in ticket sales annually.

  • Luxembourg is known for its frequent traffic jams: about 32% of people travel to work by bus, and 19% by train.


Free public transport for all was included in the manifestos of all three parties that formed the new government in October 2018. Therefore, this scheme was included in the state program and is now being implemented.

This decision is part of an ambitious programme and will cost 40 million euros. This is the amount of money generated annually by tickets and season tickets, which is no more than 8% of the cost of public transport. This means that the tax-compensated cost of the measure was considered acceptable, since, according to the financial equation, the measure is primarily social. In addition, the environmental aspect of this measure can have a positive impact on the environment, attracting new users of public transport and minimizing carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the number of cars on the road.

From March 1, 2020, public transport in Luxembourg is free throughout the country and for all modes of transport-trams, trains and buses. This scheme applies to both local residents and cross-border passengers and tourists. First-class train tickets and passes remain valid, and there are no changes or discounts on them.

Free public transport ends at the border. Passengers from neighbouring countries benefit from reduced fares.



Transport workers were concerned about the impact this measure would have on their job security.

The project assumes that the responsibilities of train attendants and conductors will be adjusted and expanded with respect to order and safety in trains, trams and buses to ensure better service and information flow.

This also applies to the sales staff. Tickets will still be sold at CFL counters at Luxembourg central station and at Esch/Belval. Eight smaller railway ticket offices will be closed; the other two will be serviced by third-party providers. If a counter closes at the station, there will still be a CFL employee ready to give advice.


Le Gouvernement du Grand-duche De Luxembourg Ministere de la Mobilite et des Travaux publics, Verkeiers Verbond, CFL, LuxTram, TICE, RGTR, Ville de Luxembourg.


According to government estimates, the number of transport users will grow by 20% in the next 5 years, and the expansion of the tram network and buses will be able to cope with this.

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