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Summer Night Lights

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  • 4  min to read
Summer Night Lights

Los Angeles, USA

About the city. There are more than a hundred communities in the city that are not accessible to parks or other public places for entertainment and recreation.



It’s an extension of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s GRYD Program, which aims to reduce gang violence. The project offers free games, food, activities aimed at keeping kids busy during the summer months.

Implementation period. The project started approximately 12 years ago, in 2008.


In 2018, 21,817 community members participated in SNL art workshops, featuring classes such as acrylics, mural art, silk-screening, and culinary arts.


SNL operates at 32 locations across the City of Los Angeles, keeping recreation centres and parks open between the hours of 7 pm – 11 pm during the summer and adding extended programming. The project offers a variety of activities at each site beyond what is traditionally offered. Community members have the opportunity to participate in free sports, arts and recreational activities, resource fairs, health screenings, workshops, and connections to resources that they can utilize year-round.


The project was undertaken by the City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Gang Reduction & Youth Development (“GRYD”) and The GRYD Foundation.

SNL program partners include

  • the Los Angeles Police Department,
  • the Department of Recreation and Parks,
  • GRYD intervention and prevention contractors,
  • the Department of Cultural Affairs,
  • the GRYD Foundation,
  • the Hungry Hog & Starving Steer,
  • the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
  • and Los Angeles area professional sports teams, among others.


Compared to 2016, in 2017, crime statistics fell by 47%.

According to the statistics, in 2018, 31 of the 32 sites saw crime reduced or saw no change in crime compared to 2017.

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